simply ingenious!

School finished? Fancy something new? Start your training or dual study program with us and get to know the fascinating world of ultrasonic welding.

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"It’s the people who make our company what it is.

The topic of training + studies is one of our key issues. It is a great concern for us to pass on knowledge and to constantly expand it. The dialog between generations results in outstanding Herrmann products for perfectly adapted customer solutions."

Thomas Herrmann, CEO 

What does Herrmann exactly do?

We manufacture machines for welding thermoplastics and non-ferrous metals using ultrasonics.

You see the results every day. When brushing your teeth in the morning, you already have a toothbrush head in your hand that is joined ultrasonically. In addition to various hygiene products and packaging, you will again experience ultrasonically welded functional components when using a vehicle. Even the batteries in your cell phone have parts that are joined with ultrasonics. Probably even with one of our Herrmann machines.

But we don't just want to produce great machines that look impressive and have some cool technical gimmicks.

Our motivation is ingenious user solutions – developed for and with our customers. Revolution instead of evolution: Our drive is to constantly research, to further develop the existing and to give room to ideas.

"Ultrasonic welding technology is all around us every day!

Many things would not be possible without our technology. In addition to safe material joints and sustainable applications, I am particularly fascinated by the versatile and ever-changing applications of ultrasonic welding."

JULIA, Teamleader Incoming Goods & Central Warehouse
Trained at Herrmann

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