Bonding - More than materials | Herrmann Ultraschall

1 4 5 2 3 Photograph Pforzheimer Zeitung 1 Her mother is a role model and an important person in Sabine Herrmann-Brauss’s life. 2 Working for the little ones: Astrid Herrmann looks after children at the Karlsruhe “Arche,” an organization providing aid and support for children in emotional and financial distressful situations. 3 Everyday help: For years, Sabine Herrmann-Brauss has been aiding a blind woman. 4 Charity events to attract donors are also included. 5 Ingeborg and Walter Herrmann with pastor Dorothea Padberg on the occasion of their diamond wedding. “WE WANT TO PASS ON SOMETHING SUSTAINABLE TO THE FUTURE GENERATIONS!” Ingeborg Herrmann “I GIVE OUT OF GRATITUDE – I COME FROM A PROTECTIVE, LOVING FAMILY – NOT EVERYONE IS SO FORTUNATE!” Sabine Herrmann-Brauss HERRMANN CARES WITH OUR INITIATIVE “HERRMANN CARES”, DIFFERENT PROJECTS, PREF- ERABLY FROM THE REGION, ARE SUPPORTED EVERY YEAR AT CHRIST- MAS TIME. THANKS TO THE PROXIMITY TO THE PROJECTS WE CAN MAKE SURE THAT DONA- TIONS ACTUALLY REACH THOSE IN NEED AND ARE EF- FICIENTLY UTILIZED. THE PROJECTS AIM TO SUPPORT PEOPLE WHO, OFTEN THROUGH NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN, HAVE FALLEN ON HARD TIMES AND NEED A FAIR CHANCE TO BE ABLE TO ACTIVELY PARTICIPATE IN SO- CIETY AGAIN ON AN EQUAL FOOTING. This is very important for my husband and me. We are currently in dialog with the Protestant church regarding possibly financ - ing the formation of a new Christian school in Pforz- heim. A further purpose of the foundation is money for science. Our endowed professorship in Freiburg, which has existed since 2018, promotes research on power ultrasonics for bonding new material com- binations. But everyone in the family is also highly engaged in social matters. What causes are particular- ly important to you? Astrid Herrmann: My work in the support associa- tion of the Kinder- und Jugendarche Karlsruhe: or- ganizational development, controlling, and helping in the afternoon program. The association supports children from socially and emotionally disadvantaged families and aims to give them stability and hope for their future. At the com- pany, we have launched the “Herrmann cares” initiative. As part of this campaign, we have donated to the Round Table Asylum Karlsbad as well as local schools on multi- ple occasions. The multimedia charity event WEIHNACHTEN NEU ERLEBEN is very im- portant to us. Additionally, last Christmas we selected an international project, a young Swiss startup called “Buy Food with Plastic.” This initiative fights hunger and plastic waste in Nicaragua, India, and Ghana by giving people there a warm meal for collecting plastic bottles. Sabine Herrmann-Brauss: For the last ten years, I have accompanied a blind woman voluntarily to appointments and on errands. Additionally, I completed courses and an internship in the palliative care unit in hospice service under the aspect “terminal care is life support” as a precondition for voluntary work. And I would also like to learn sign language. Ingeborg Herrmann: We are strongly connected to the St. John parish in Pforzheim; I was confirmed there. We have donated a lot for the children’s and youth work as well as for the preservation of the parish hall. We have also donated funds to the Famil- ienherberge Lebensweg. This organization offers families with seriously ill children the opportunity to take a break from their everyday routine, while the sick child is looked after. Additionally, we donate to many other worthy causes, such as cancer research, Doctors Without Borders, and the Vesperkirchen. And also to the initiative “Menschen in Not” (People in Need) of our dear friend Albert Esslinger-Kiefer, the editor of the Pforzheimer Zeitung newspaper. 99 98