Bonding - More than materials | Herrmann Ultraschall

The entrepreneur and her husband founded the “Walter and Ingeborg Herrmann Foundation” and give generously to many humanitarian causes. For over 40 years, Ingeborg Herrmann has also sponsored children through Plan International and the SOS Children’s Villages. INGEBORG HERRMANN, SABINE HERRMANN-BRAUSS, AND ASTRID HERRMANN: THREE STRONG WOMEN BEHIND THE SUCCESS. Power3 What do you as a daughter remember when you think back to the beginnings? Sabine Herrmann-Brauss: We lived in a rented apart- ment in Langensteinbach, not far from the company premises. I had to walk only 150 meters. When I think of my father, I always see him standing at the machines, screwing or checking something. He was still sitting in the office late in the evening. The highlight for us children: When special customers came, we were sometimes also allowed to go to lunch at the “Grüner Baum.” To go to a restau- rant for lunch and to drink Sinalco, which is a brand of soft drinks – both a bit of a luxury at the time. Was it clear to you that you would work at Herrmann Ultraschall? Sabine Herrmann-Brauss: I had a talent and an love for languages and I want- ed to become a teacher of French and Latin. However, due to the poor job pros- pects I opted at the time to study business admin- istration. I worked at the company already as a young woman, whether at recep- tion in the switchboard or in trade show services together with my moth- er (Ingeborg Herrmann laughs). This also included entertaining the customers with the legendary ultra- sonic cocktails, which are still part of our trade show appearances to this day. Could you tell us about your foundations? Ingeborg Herrmann: We would like to give some- thing back to society, on a sustainable basis, as there are many people who have not been so fortunate in life. It is for this reason that the idea emerged at the start of the 2000s to set up a foundation. On the one hand, to secure the future of the company. On the other hand, to provide money for education. Because a lack of financial means should not exclude anyone from education. W ithout Ingeborg Herrmann, Herrmann Ultraschall would certainly not have developed so successfully, Walter Herrmann is sure of that. He may have been the one who founded the company, but his wife was always at his side, also when it came to the business. For over 40 years, she was responsible for commercial management and accounting. The feel for figures has been inherited by daughter Sabine Herrmann-Brauss, who has been in- volved in controlling and asset management for many years. Daughter-in-law Astrid Herrmann, married to Thomas Herrmann for over 30 years, also works at the company – in the PR and Marketing departments. That is not all that unites the three impressive women: They support a number of good causes and many social projects. A number of foundations have been created to secure the life work of the founders for the future and do some good – daughter and daughter-in-law are happy to join in and do their part. 97 96