Bonding - More than materials | Herrmann Ultraschall

a splendid technology, and that was also my motivation. But not even in my wildest dream did I imagine how successful it would become!” This now global success has come in the last 20 years, since Thomas Herrmann, a mechanical engineering graduate, ventured the step to the USA in order to sell the “Made in Germany” ultra- sonic welders there. “Even during my studies, my plan, my great passion, was to go to America,” says Thomas Herrmann. A step that required a great deal of courage, patience, and perse- verance. “Like my father years before, I firmly believed that it would work. Though there were many circumstanc- es working against this.” Herrmann’s products were twice as expensive as those of their American competitors and there were no refer- ences. “All our machines were in Eu- rope; we had nothing to show potential buyers. The big breakthrough in the USA came thanks to HP Inc. That was luck, fate, but also perseverance.” And father Walter Herrmann adds, laughing: “In-born perseverance.” Determined HOWWALTER AND THOMAS HERRMANN HAVE MADE THEIR COMPANY THE TECHNOLOGICAL LEADER IN ULTRASONIC WELDING. T wo generations, one passion, and one ob- jective: to preserve the family business and to constantly improve and reinvent ultrasonic welding technology. After 60 years of Herrmann Ultraschall, the two don’t know the meaning of ”stop”, but they know all about patience and gratitude. Father and son, founder and managing director, craftsman and salesman – Walter and Thomas Herrmann. Two men whose heart beats for ultrasonics, despite many setbacks and long lean periods. Walter Herrmann did not dare even dream that six decades after the initial idea they would be so successful and have branches worldwide. “I was convinced we would be successful; otherwise I would not have persevered through the first years. We had no money, but we had good products. But the market remained aloof to them,” says Walter Herrmann. “At that time, I recognized that ultrasonics was 88