Bonding - More than materials | Herrmann Ultraschall

BIRGITTA MAHLER, MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT, GER Which value is most important to you? Passion. I live this value 100%! Is there a value success story? All our employees received a gen- erous COVID-19 bonus in 2020. Our production employees gathered spontaneously in the production hall and thanked the two manag- ing directors with big round of applause. It was very touching for all parties. HOLGER REICHMANN, DEVELOPMENT AND DESIGN, GER Which value is most important to you? Integrity, as we are successful only as a team. What applies especially to development projects is something we also require for the company as a whole. Is there a value success story? A nice example received well by everyone: The managing directors welcome not just new employees, but also the new DHBW (Baden-Württem- berg Cooperative State Universi- ty) students in person. This shows that appreciation is not just an abstract concept, but a lived vir- tue anchored in the company. CHRISTOPHER HAASE, INSIDE SALES, GER Is there a value success story? I love telling about a workshop with a large customer here at the company in the summer of 2019. We had prepared it carefully and with a lot of effort. The feedback from the participants was very positive. The crowning achieve - ment was the fact that we were able to build up a lot of trust with the decision maker, who initially had been skeptical about our ultrasonic technolo- gy. This was quite noticeable in follow-up projects. KEITH VAN HAUTER, SONOTRODE PRODUCTION, USA With which of the values do you identify most? Passion, because I am someone who pays attention to details – and Herrmann Ultraschall is a company that values that very highly. Did the teamwork in the culture journey make it easier to identify with the values? I think working on it together was important and had a better effect. Do you have a success story from your everyday work? The working atmosphere has improved a lot. MATTHIAS BESSLER, PM & CORP. STRATEGY, GER Your most important value? Respect, because that is a prereq- uisite for healthy and successful long-term relationships between people. CHUCK HANNAH, SALES, USA With which of the values do you most identify? Passion. I really love what we do and the puzzles we solve. Both on the application front and on the interpersonal front with colleagues and customers. As an engineer and musician, I feel able to connect technology with music in this crazy ultrasonic world. Our WHY: “BONDING – MORE THAN MATERIALS” sums it up perfectly. PATRICK HESS, CONVERTER ASSEMBLY, GER Which value is most important to you? Integrity, because trust develops only through honest and transparent dealings in good faith. Do you receive feedback on the values? I don’t have any direct contact with customers. However, my feeling is that, at least as things are right now, we are not yet managing to convey the values externally as well. The internal culture jour - ney is not yet advanced far enough for this. Do you have a value success story from your daily environment you want to share? Yes. A decision in the HR department, which would have set us back a significant way in the progress of the culture journey, was revised thanks to calling upon our values. NORMAN SCHOLZ, TECHNICAL PROJECT MANAGEMENT, GER Your most important value? Personally, I identify most with the value of “passion” – that is, my personal enthusiasm for the technology and the applications. Do you receive feedback? Applicants in particular are fascinated by how much importance we place on our values. Do the values also have an effect in your private life? I love telling people and am always proud of how brilliantly we have positioned ourselves as a company with respect to our values. And I am amazed at how interested other people from my environment are in the topic. SIMON STADTMÜLLER, SALES, GER Did the teamwork in the culture journey make it easier to identify with the values? We have only the first step behind us. The values must become an inseparable part of and be lived in the company. This is a mam - moth task. As a manager, I would like to set a good example, even if it is not always perfect and I certainly am not always perfect when it comes to implementation. So when I receive honest feedback from colleagues on this, it is worth its weight in gold. Do you receive feedback? I also try to maintain the utmost integrity in my relationship with my customers. They feel the openness and honesty and they also feed that back to me. Customers who come to visit the company are often positively impressed by our working climate. MICHAEL LINDSAY, SALES, USA Do the values also have an effect on your life outside of the company? Definitely! I have many hobbies, for example I do sports and am a musician, things I am very passion- ate about. Becoming good required years of hard work, of which I am proud. And I try to treat others with respect, and I see very clearly that one can earn respect through integrity. 85 84