Bonding - More than materials | Herrmann Ultraschall

DR. JÖRG BÖLLHOFF, QUALITY & PROCESS MANAGEMENT, GER With which of the values do you identify most and why? With respect, because everyone, regardless of the role they have, makes an important contribution to us being successful as a compa- ny and each individual colleague deserves to be appreciated. Do the values also have an effect on your life outside of Herrmann? Definitely. I have already often found myself in my private life scrutinizing situations outside of Herrmann as to whether my behavior or that of others con- formed to our value playing field. LUDOVIC MENONI, SALES, GER With which of the values do you identify most? Resilience, because even during difficult times, whether in your profession- al or private life, you need to be resilient enough to accept hard facts, to stand up for our company, as well as for your personal opinion, and to make the right decisions. Do the customers perceive to any extent that Herrmann lives and works according to the four values? When we receive feedback from them, we assess it positively. Thus, the values help to improve our customers’ perception of the company. MARKUS HAAS, SALES, GER With which of the values do you identify most? Passion, of course. The field of use of ultrasonic welding is endless and that fascinates me again and again every day. The art lies in mediating between the customer and the company and accommodating all interests. Do the customers perceive something of the values? I visited a customer in Singapore in 2019 and present- ed not only our company, but also, for the first time, our value playing field. I had already noticed in the building the plastic bees and beehives and the term “Honey Trader” on a few business cards. That was my customer’s mission: hard-working and organized like a bee colony. This resulted in a very interest - ing exchange about the respective values – and the customers also expressed themselves very positively about our values. GEORG WIESEHÜGEL, DEVELOPMENT, GER Did the teamwork in the culture journey make it easier to identify with the values? Yes, of course. Deep under- standing of each other comes only through communication. I personally learned through the culture journey how many facets that has. It’s easy not to hear the quieter voices and silence in itself can also be a loud statement. MICHAEL LOTTER, TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION, GER With which of the values do you identify most? Integrity. In today’s VUCA world, integrity team play is irreplaceable. Did the teamwork in the culture journey make it easier to identify with the values? When you discuss the values as a team, you gain new insights and perspectives. Do you receive feedback? The culture journey has placed the topic of customer focus under the microscope again. The feed - back that counts is that the customer is happy to come back tomorrow and order from us. ALEXANDER MAAG, SALES, GER With which of the values do you identify most? Resilience, because it is deeply root- ed in me to always look positively toward the future. Do the values have an effect on your life outside of Herrmann? A few of my “own” values are re- flected in the four Herrmann values: optimism, honesty, partnership, determination. SANDRO MÜLLER, SONOTRODE DESIGN, GER With which of the values do you identify most? That is hard to answer, as all of them have high importance for me. If I had to de- cide, I would say passion. Because 20 years at the company without passion for what I do would not work. I have projected my passion in my job to my hobby, photogra- phy; this has already brought me one or two successful experiences. CORNELIUS BREITINGER, TECHNICAL PROJECT MANAGEMENT, GER With which of the values do you identify most? Passion, as it is the foundation of success. Do the values have an effect on your life outside of Herrmann? You can’t switch values on and off – they are the foundation of our thinking, beliefs, and actions; they are ever-present! Accordingly, they of course also find ex - pression in life outside of the company, and that is how I know that I am sitting in the right “Hermann bus.” CHRISTINA VAN DE WALKER, MARKETING, USA With which of the values do you identify most and why? Integrity, because for me it is important that I be a reliable and honest person. When problems come up, I seek open communication so that everything can be resolved quickly. In all the years at Herrmann, this value has helped me to develop good and reliable rela- tionships with my colleagues around the world. Do the values also have an effect on your life outside of Herrmann? Since I have had children, I look to ensure that I also pass on good values to them. Integrity is one of them. 81 80