Bonding - More than materials | Herrmann Ultraschall

On the search for the WHY: Michael Ross (center), surrounded by his “sherpa col- leagues” Steffen Ullrich, Michael Leipold, André Deponte, David Weiler (from the left). FROM GOOD TO GREAT A CHANGED FORM OF COLLABORA- TION THROUGH ENTHUSIASM ONE OF THE MOST IM- PORTANT QUESTIONS OF ALL IN WORKING LIFE: “WHY DO I DO WHAT I DO?” Sherpas? Yes, they are not only need- ed to conquer Mount Everest; they are also to be found in Karlsbad. Michael Ross is by now a full-time sherpa at the company, serving as a “guide” in the culture journey for the employees at Herrmann. 2016 was the start of a new epoch at Herrmann Ultraschall as it began the process of a cultural change. The focus: the “WHY,” according to American coach and author Simon Sinek and his important question “Why do I do what I do?” The noble objec- tive: working not just for money, but because you love working with your colleagues and the diverse fields of use of ultrasonics. This enthusiasm should not be restrict- ed just within the company’s own em- ployees, but should also extend to the customers. “That is always the goal: to inspire the customers and make them as excited about the products as we are,” explains Michael Ross. Becoming a full-time sherpa was not on his career plan, but his new pro- fession has quickly become a calling. He became a manager at an early stage and asked himself what was actually so important to him about it. G ladly going to work and a happy customer as the top objec- tive! Too much to ask? No, finds Thomas Herrmann, who, together with his management team, wants to completely revamp the corporate culture and, to this end, has heralded the “culture journey.” The company is providing time, money, and a lot of “mind space” for this journey. “I am convinced that a modern and value-based corporate culture is an important lever for the future, if not even the most important!” Dedicated business coaches and trainers, called “sherpas,” ensure that all employees can find their way along on this journey. “For myself, I recognized that, above all, I wanted to be part of a great team. And that I also wanted to contribute actively to it, especially when it comes to formulating and achieving joint ob- jectives,” says Michael Ross. “As a sherpa, I have the chance to lead and simultaneously to strength- en the team. I am wholeheartedly a ‘solution finder.’” He helps to ensure that everyone completely internalizes the self-developed WHY: “BONDING – MORE THAN MATERIALS.” This self-understanding expresses what Herrmann is all about: inspiring the customers with one’s own enthusiasm. “It expresses that we are not only in- terested in bonding materials together, but also in entering long-term bonds with each other: with colleagues, cus- tomers, suppliers, partners – simply with all interest groups around our company,” he says. The sherpa does not have a typical working day. “Every day, I try to make my contribution to our moving forward on our climb of ‘Mount Karlsbad,’” 71