Bonding - More than materials | Herrmann Ultraschall

HOW CAN THE CULTURE OF TRUST BE STRENGTHENED IN A COMPANY? BY LETTING ALL LEVELS BE HEARD! NEW HEAVY- WEIGHT How do you perceive the leadership circles? Andreas Hagenlocher: The concept of the leadership circles is very modern and forward-thinking, but the flow is not yet always completely there. A hi- erarchical organizational chart is clear- er. The description of our leadership circles is not always really clear on the management functions and responsi- bilities. We are currently working on this in our internal communication. But this is also something that will need time to gestate. People must realize that they don’t have to be afraid to open their mouth, that they will be heard. Georg Göbel: The good thing about the leadership circles is formation of a con- nection to each other. The people have begun to speak to each other more. Despite this, the question is still often asked: Who is responsible for what? In some situations, someone Manufacturing/Logistics 2 votes Customer care 2 votes Training/studies 1 vote Internal areas 2 votes Appointed managers 2 votes HR management 1 vote General Management 1 vote HERRMANN EMPLOYEE COUNCIL A s one of the new “cir- cles,” the employee council has quickly become an import- ant nerve center and makes a strong contribution to tackling many issues. Questions to chairman Georg Göbel and his deputy Andreas Hagenlocher. “I AM SOMEONE WHO CALLS A SPADE A SPADE AND ADDRESSES MATTERS.” Andreas Hagenlocher GEORG GÖBEL THE ENGINEER IS A SCI-FI FAN AND LOVES DOGS. AS AN AMATEUR ACTOR, HE ALSO ENJOYS BEING WITH PEOPLE IN HIS SPARE TIME. IN ADDI- TION, HE IS PASSION- ATELY COMMITTED TO HELPING THOSE LESS FORTUNATE, BOTH SOCIALLY AND HEALTH-WISE – ESPECIALLY WHEN DRASTIC CHANGES IN LIFE MAKE THINGS DIFFICULT. HE CAN ALSO BE FOUND COLLECT- ING WOOD IN THE FOREST WITH HIS CLASSIC TRACTOR. ANDREAS HAGENLOCHER THE FATHER OF TWO SMALL CHILDREN IS A TECHNICAL EDITOR (B.A.) AT THE COMPANY. ADDITIONALLY, HE PLAYS SEVERAL IN- STRUMENTS AND IS INTERESTED IN ECO- LOGICAL VEGETABLE GROWING. HE AD- VOCATES ANYTHING THAT BENEFITS THE ENVIRONMENT AND PROMOTES SUS- TAINABILITY AT THE COMPANY. simply needs to say what the others are to do! We still need good leaders. But who lead differently! Our culture journey also motivates us to cultivate the right “leadership style” for this. The employee council has commenced its work. How do you assess the first year? Georg Göbel: The employee council has a mandate and is a new heavy- weight in making the voice of the company’s personnel heard. For this, it is also necessary sometimes to deal with unfiltered opinions and “brutal facts.” The General Management re - ceives this well and reflects this also. Andreas Hagenlocher: The employ - ee council has by now entered full operating mode and we would like to create transparency regarding the needs of all levels. This is quite a task. The most important thing is to put personal sensitivities aside. This is not always easy for all participants. After all, an employee council is a “tool” for including employees and generating more enthusiasm. However, sometimes a small fire can break out. You just need to find a good balance. What moved you to present yourself as a candidate? Andreas Hagenlocher: I am someone who calls a spade a spade and address- es matters – I always have been. I also like sticking up for others and am not afraid to talk to managers about difficult things. When the employee council was founded, I immediately wanted to be part of it. We are on the right path here! Georg Göbel: In my ten years at Herr- mann, everything has not always gone perfectly – especially at the beginning. But I said to myself that you cannot just complain but must contribute actively to change. “Love it, change it, or leave it” is my motto. When the “employee council” project took form, I immediately seized the opportunity to enact change. Are there already success stories? Georg Göbel: We have already moder- ated highly confidential and difficult talks and discussions and helped the management level in its reflection. Andreas Hagenlocher: The employee council shouldn’t be a “toothless tiger” – and it is not about “being right,” but about getting down to it, rolling up your sleeves and collaborating on es- tablishing a new culture of trust. Our objective is amicable solutions for the good of the employees and thus also the company. “I IMMEDIATELY SEIZED THE OPPORTUNITY TO ENACT CHANGE.” Georg Göbel 69 68