Bonding - More than materials | Herrmann Ultraschall

Ittersbach is the Epicenter of the World IT IS HERE THAT THE WORLD’S BEST GENERATORS ARE DEVELOPED – HAND IN HAND – ACROSS GENERATIONS A new, groundbreaking device is currently in development, while an interdisciplinary, holistic approach is the secret to the success of the Karlsbad company. The development departments at Herrmann Ultraschall: no dark laboratories full of electric cabinets, screwdrivers, and cuttings, but bright and airy, with a view into the Black Forest, and full of brilliant minds. Here, Herrmann specialists research and work to shape the future of ultrasonic welding. After all, the competition isn’t just sitting idly by, and new plastics are constantly being developed that need to be welded quickly and efficiently. A development that always amazes Gerhard Gnad, above all how ultra- sonic devices have changed over the years. Nearly 40 years ago, when the trained electronics engineer started at Herrmann, everything was a bit simpler. “A bit like in the Stone Age,” says Gerhard Gnad with a laugh. “In my apprenticeship, there were just a few plans, and on my first day here I was to fit something into a housing. I asked for instructions or a manual, and my colleagues just stared at me as if I had just landed from the moon.” So Gerhard Gnad had to develop self-ini- tiative. “I looked to see what worked best and over time I developed and worked my way up and up. Anyone can achieve a lot in terms of their career with Walter Herrmann.” Gerhard Gnad has certainly seen and done a lot at Herrmann: He has written software, visited the designer for the housing construction, and the supplier for printed circuit boards. “That was such a wide field; it never became boring for me,” he says. His work has even helped achieve a few milestones in the company’s history. For instance, 30 years ago, Gerhard Gnad was involved in the implementation of the active-control generator as head of hardware development. “Many before had already failed in the attempt to de- velop a new ultrasonic generator,” he says. However, Gnad was successful. “With the newly developed generator, there was again a system that did not cause so many breakdowns – on the contrary: The generator as an error source was eliminated with one fell swoop. The device simply worked.” Later came the idea to digitalize weld- ing technology: “Digital technology progressed further. At that time, we were the first on the market – that meant a huge competitive edge for us.” Over 20 years later, Gerhard Gnad is still visibly proud of this “invention” that he helped develop – even though he keeps a low profile. “We are now looking to the new minds to make the difference!” These, like Paola Calero, are working hard at Herrmann Ultraschall. The Ecuadorian 41 40