Bonding - More than materials | Herrmann Ultraschall

WHAT MAKES US WHAT WE ARE TODAY? I hear this question often. My answer: enthusiasm! For life, for family, for the opportunities one gets, for value-creating technology, and for a team of people who share this enthusiasm and pass it on to others. It was the enthusiasm for his ideas that led my father to take the leap into self-employment in 1961. It was also enthusiasm, along with drive, that moved me to cross the ocean to America in 1990 in order to found the first overseas branch for Herrmann. The same factors were also decisive when it came to assuming overall responsibility for the Group in 2007. Enthusiasm is contagious and builds momentum. But you also need a really good plan, in our case a comprehen- sive corporate strategy. In the past few years, these three books have played a key role in shaping us in the contin- uous development of our strategy and our collective spirit of togetherness: 1. Good to Great. Author Jim Collins outlines seven key factors that help good companies become world- class companies and highlights what can be learned from the best companies. 2. Drive. Author Daniel H. Pink explains the Motivation 3.0 principle, which refers to intrinsic motivation, i.e. all the activities that someone performs out of their own drive. The focus is on self-determination, perfecting, and fulfillment of purpose. 3. Start with WHY. Author Simon Sinek highlights that as top companies we should spend less time occupy- ing ourselves with WHAT we do or HOW we do something and more time on WHY we do what we do. Once we find our “WHY,” we will find new strengths within ourselves. With this book marking the compa- ny’s 60th anniversary, I would like to show you our enthusiasm – we call it Ultrasonic Excitement. To this end, on the next few pages I will present to you some examples of important com- panions on our way and their stories. See for yourself how we have become what we are today. Full of gratitude I look back at the last decade and am amazed at all we have achieved together. I feel blessed and I sincerely thank everyone who has supported me and who has been and is at my side. The future belongs to the next genera- tions and as an eternal optimist I can’t wait to see what exciting things they will bring. Happy 60th birthday Herrmann Ultraschall! 2 3