Bonding - More than materials | Herrmann Ultraschall

Of Bees and ... E-Cars Mr. Herrmann, your tech- nology itself is sustainable. However, how sustainable is your company? We are on a good path, but there is still a bit to be done. Many things are being put to the test. That begins with our processes, such as optimization in our own production, in order to save raw material, in our case expensive titanium, for example; however, time is also precious. We are working on many different things, such as waste pre- vention, returnable packag- ing, and the promotion of car sharing. Less waste, that is already good. F or Astrid and Thomas Herrmann, sustainabil- ity is a central topic of the future. The entre- preneurial couple have already implemented quite a few good ideas; but they still see a lot of potential. What else is the company doing to promote envi- ronmental and climate protection? For the last few years, we have had a photovoltaic system on the roof. We thus generate part of the energy for our production ourselves. With our own parking spaces and char- gers, we promote the use of e-cars. Additionally, there are two company e-cars, which we make available to the colleagues. This gives anyone who is interested in e-mobility an opportunity to familiarize themselves with it – and many do. We also offer a company bicycle program; one or two colleagues travel large distances with it. Mrs. Herrmann, in 2018 Herrmann Ultra- schall signed the state of Baden-Württemberg’s WIN Charta. Why is it so important to be involved in this as well? The Business Initiative on Sustainability (WIN Charta) is a self-commit- ment to sustainability with 12 guiding principles in the economic, ecological, and social spheres. It gives us the opportunity to convey im- portant topics internally and externally and to recognize and implement potential for improvement. Many of the guiding principles “OUR CONSCIENCE AND THE LEGISLA- TOR ARE FORCING US INTO A PARADIGM SHIFT – AND THAT IS A GOOD THING!” 129 128