Bonding - More than materials | Herrmann Ultraschall

Sarah Kniehl with the Herrmann Ultraschall team during a Tough Mudder competition. YOUNG, TALENTED, MOTIVATED, CONFIDENT, AND SUCCESSFUL – THAT IS MORE OR LESS THE DEFINITION OF A YOUNG GUN. IT IS, IN FACT, A DEFINITION THAT CAN EASILY BE APPLIED TO MANY IN THE WORKFORCE AT HERRMANN ULTRASCHALL, AS THE COMPANY PLACES GREAT IMPORTANCE ON PRO- MOTING YOUNG TALENT. ONE OF THESE “YOUNG GUNS” IS SARAH KNIEHL. Young Guns with Bite W omen in the male-dominated field of technology often do not have it easy. Sarah Kniehl still has to fight to prove herself; luckily, she is a te- nacious young woman with a lot of stamina – also from the company. Just one look shows that she is full of energy, drive and motivation, a smile on her lips: Sarah Kniehl, at Herrmann for the last four years and a Sales Engineer for southern Germany and Scandinavia. Always on the go, always on the move – she does not stand still. “I am doing a master’s in Industrial Engineering part-time; so when I am not doing sports, you will find me at my desk, studying,” says Sarah Kniehl. Just being in an office at Herrmann Ultraschall would not be for her. “I like going to trade shows; I like to be the problem-solver for the customer on site. Above all, I like the moment of surprise when the customer sees me for the first time, because many people underestimate me and my expertise,” she says. The “young gun” fights against this prejudice every day. Sarah Kniehl has gone from the in- house staff to the sales force. “I did not yet have the technical understanding; I assisted colleagues in the sales force from my workstation. The opportunity then quickly emerged to manage my own projects and after about a year 115 114