Bonding - More than materials | Herrmann Ultraschall

1 2 3 4 Stephan Müller and daughter Sarah: learning from each other! Stephan Müller has worked in con- verter construction at Herrmann for over a quarter of a century. His daughter Sarah is doing a dual study degree at the DHBW, studying Industrial Business Administration. Sarah: I have no contact with my dad at work. That is because we work in completely different departments. But we do spend our lunch break together now and again. Working at the same company as him was a huge advantage, especially at the start, if I did not know who I should speak to or if problems came up. That helped me a lot. Stephan: Herrmann really is a family business, and I find it great that my daughter also works here. It shows that you can feel comfortable here. I did not press Sarah to do anything; I merely highlighted the opportunities to her. I have learned from Sarah to see things more positively, while I myself have taught her to react more calmly in some situations. Steve Bellavia and son Anthony: A father’s pride! Having spent 15 years at Herrmann Ultrasonics in the USA, Steve Bellavia, Key Account Manager NONWOVENS, can truly give his son Anthony deep insights into how things work at the company. He is pleased that Anthony has received an ICATT apprenticeship as a cutting machine operator, which is strongly based on the German apprenticeship system. Steve: When I remember Anthony walking through the company build- ing as a 5-year-old with his eyes wide open with curiosity, first, it becomes clear to me how fast time flies when you really enjoy what you do. And second, how proud I am of my son, now that he is beginning his career in our Herrmann family. I can hardly describe my feelings when I see him manufacturing exactly the ultrasonic tools our customers use in production. Anthony: Even as a small boy, whenev- er I was here at the company summer celebrations, I thought about how cool it would be to work here. The best thing about working at Herrmann are the people and the atmosphere at the company. Everyone is really part of a large family and everyone is happy to help when needed. Vasko Naumovski and son Cole: combining family and work! Vasko Naumovski is responsible for the market development of metal welding in North America and encouraged his son Cole to apply to Herrmann as a quality technician. Cole: Here I can learn about ultra- sonic technology not only from the employees, but also from my dad. My dad has always been my coach, my mentor; he understands how I learn. For me, it is a gift that my dad teaches me both life lessons AND all about ultrasonic technology while we work together. Vasko: I view the people I work with as family. The fact that my son works with me connects family and work. As a parent, it is natural to want to support your children, but also to teach them to provide for themselves. With my son here at Herrmann, I have both. 1 Sarah and Stephan Müller learn from each other. 2 Steve Bellavia and son Anthony: part of the Herrmann family. 3 Vasko Naumovski and son Cole – combining family and work. 4 GB Wertz and daughter Sarah: the draw of a family atmosphere. GB Wertz and daughter Sarah: family atmosphere! GB Wertz serves customers in Sale PLASTICS from Georgia at Herrmann Ultrasonics. Recently, his daughter Sarah Wertz moved from Georgia to Chicago to take up a position in Inside Sales. GB: My wife and I support Sarah’s move and know that she is well taken care of in Bartlett. Herrmann is a good company with very nice colleagues – Sarah will feel good here and enjoy great prospects for her career. Sarah: What I like about working at Herrmann is not just that I work with my dad, but that you are treated by everyone like a family member. I receive a lot of support – the col- leagues take time for me and I am grateful for that. 113 112