Bonding - More than materials | Herrmann Ultraschall

THE 1980S SAW THE LARGE CORPORA- TIONS POSITIONING THEMSELVES AS GLOBAL PLAYERS, THEREBY LITERALLY “FORCING” MEDIUM-SIZED COMPANIES TO EXPAND. ONE OF THEMWOULD GO ON TO CHANGE THE ULTRASONIC WORLD. Do You Speak Ultrasonics? W hen the market for ultrasonic applications grows, Herrmann wants to grow with it. Resting on our laurels is not an option for CEO Thomas Herrmann. More and more products are being introduced onto the market for which it is worthwhile – economically and, above all, ecologically – to opt for ultrasonics. Over the last six decades, the markets have grown more and more, while the world has come ever closer together – the progress of globalization. “Until 1990, Herrmann Ultraschall operated only in Germany; we had a few customers in Austria, Switzerland, Italy, and France, but that was it. No one knew us outside of Europe,” remembers Thomas Herrmann. 11 10